Normally, domestic water filters as well as filtration systems will follow several NSF test standards respectively are NSF/ANSI 42, NSF/ANSI 53, NSF/ANSI 372, NSF/ANSI 401 to assure specific guarantees and performances of products. YUNDA FILTER factory is able to manufacture and wholesale NSF certified water filters to worldwide business owners as well as distributors.
1. NSF/ANSI 42
NSF/ANSI Standard 42 tests POU (Point-of-use) and POE (Point-of-entry) water filtration products that reduces aesthetic or non-health-related contaminants as well as impurities. This standard usually fits carbon filtration products and most whole house water filters.
2. NSF/ANSI 53
This standard represents as a Health Effects standard for POU and POE water filtration products. It tests material safety, structural integrity and health-related particles reduction claims based on different products. Over 50 contaminant reduction claims are available under NSF/ANSI Standard 53. Some of the contaminants and pollutants includes asbestos, bacteria, cysts, lead, mercury and VOCs.
3. NSF/ANSI 372
NSF/ANSI Standard 372 proves that a prodcut has been certified as meeting a required lead content of ≤ 0.25%. When specific water filtration products used with respect to pipe fittings and plumbing systems, this certificate will be required for guarantee.
4. NSF/ANSI 401
This standard proves that a water filtration product has the ability to filter out up to 15 individual emerging compounds and incidental contaminants covers prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, herbicides, pesticides and some chemical compounds.
As a sourcing manufacturer supplier of various water filters and water purifiers, YUNDA FILTER can do mass production of full types of NSF certified water filters.